„Heart of Darkness“

Our fourth audio play – Heart of Darkness – has a running time of approximately 55 minutes.

Please feel free to download and listen to it as well as giving us feedback, but again: please be so kind to not just send the mp3s to your friends! Direct them to our page, we are more then happy about guests and comments! ;-)

Details and development of the script:

The team:

Bryan Hillesheim (recording, music), Doris Rubruck (the time lady, cutting), Elmar Vogt (script, production and direction)
Bryan Hillesheim (audio engineering, music), Doris Rubruck („the Time Lady“, cut / audio editing), Elmar Vogt (script, production and direction)

supporting crew:

Barbara Hasselmann (production assistance / audio engineering assistance)
Barbara Hasselmann (production assistance / audio engineering assistance)
Sina Vogt (script supervisor, catering)
Sina Vogt (script supervisor, catering)

5 Gedanken zu “„Heart of Darkness“

  1. Pingback: Nein, wir lassen uns nicht hängen | Little More Sonic

  2. kathryn L Iacampo

    Clear articulation so plot easy to follow. Could We have more variety from the actors‘ between the characters‘ vocalization?


    1. doris

      Good point! I may have been too afraid of crossing the line of sounding silly by altering my voice too much.
      I am giving it a thought… 🙂


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